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  • The Sinner: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Grace Prep Book 1) Page 17

The Sinner: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Grace Prep Book 1) Read online

Page 17

  With a text message to meet me at my locker before lunch, it’s the perfect spot to end this without giving Savannah the satisfaction of thinking she’s won. Familiar dark brown hair comes walking down the hallway. Judging by the smile on her face, she has the wrong idea on what this is.

  “Hey, you,” she simpers, throwing her arms around my neck and going to kiss me.

  I turn my head just in time. “No, stop.” Removing her hold on me, I take a step back. “I didn’t ask you to come here so we could hook up.”

  “Then, what?” As she studies the expression on my face, I can see the moment it clicks. “Grayson, that’s not funny.”

  “Who’s joking?”

  Crossing her arms, her anger shows. “Are you kidding? Do you even realize the mistake you’re making?! I’m the best you’ll ever have, you know that? How could you do this to me?”

  The more she yells, the less patience I have. Finally, when she shoves me, I’ve had enough.

  “Okay, stop. You’re acting like we were serious or something. Newsflash, we weren’t. All that happened between us was a couple of blowjobs, and that was over a month ago. Don’t act like you didn’t see this coming.”

  She’s caught off guard, and clearly doesn’t like being put in her place, but as her eyes land on something behind me, her expression hardens. “What the fuck are you looking at?”

  Pushing past me, she storms away. I don’t need to turn around to see who’s standing there—I can feel it. The buzz in the air, the sexual tension so thick I could choke on it, the pull in my chest that demands I go to her. Of course, it’s Savannah, and she heard everything I was hoping she wouldn’t.

  “Shouldn’t you be in lunch?”

  She chuckles before going to her locker. “Shouldn’t you?”

  I finally turn to face her. “I had something to take care of.”

  “So I heard.” The smile on her face does nothing to hide her amusement. “Breakups are tough.”

  “Oh, shut up. You knew it was fake the whole damn time.”

  She closes her locker and walks backward with her hands in the air, smirking happily. “Hey, I didn’t say a word.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I shake my head and run after her. She squeals and tries to evade me, but my arms wrap around her waist, pulling her into me. The giggle that leaves her mouth is one that I want to bottle up and put in my pocket for a rainy day. For a day when all this is over, and she’s left the broken mess I intend for her to be.

  I WALK INTO THE backyard, heading straight for the treehouse. Savannah follows behind, but isn’t exactly a fan of my idea to explore the abandoned structure.

  “Seriously, come on. You’ll be fine.”

  She shakes her head. “No. Look at it, Gray. That thing is twelve years old, and hasn’t been played in for eight. Besides, imagine all the spiders that are in there.”

  I roll my eyes and place hands on her hips, hoisting her up on the ladder. “There aren’t any spiders. I already came out here to check. Up you go.”

  As we climb inside, the wood creaks from our weight. Not only was she right about it being old, but we’re also a combined hundred-something pounds heavier than we were. Still, it holds steady as we get inside. It’s nostalgic, being in here with her, but not at all awkward.

  I lean against the wall and cross my ankles, looking around at the drawings that are still hanging on the wall. They’re faded, and some have been ruined by rain getting in, but the tape has managed to hold. I chuckle as I find the one I made my mom laminate for me.

  Treehouse Rules:

  No girls allowed except Savi.

  Everyone must know the password.

  No grown-ups.

  All secrets shared in the treehouse, stay in the treehouse.

  The password is puddles.

  “Remember how mad Tess and Laney would get when they weren’t allowed up here?” I ask, gesturing to rule number one.

  Savannah snickers. “How could I forget? They told me we couldn’t be friends anymore unless I let them in.”

  “Did you?”

  “No. You would have been so mad at me, and besides, they only stopped being my friend for ten minutes.”

  It goes back to being quiet as we both look around until I can’t help but laugh.

  “What?” she questions, confused.

  I bite my lip and shake my head. “It’s nothing.”

  “Bullshit.” Moving across the small room, she sits next to me. “Tell me.”

  My eyes focus on my hands. “I’ve just had a dream or two of us having sex in here.”

  “Did you really?” she chuckles.

  “It wasn’t as old and rickety as it is now, but yeah.”

  Before I know it, she’s straddling my lap and bending down to kiss my neck. I run my hands down her back, humming at how good it feels to have her lips on my skin. When she starts to unbutton my pants, I grab her wrists.

  “What are you doing?”

  She smirks. “Making your dreams come true.”

  Excitement rushes through me as I lift her shirt over her head. I don’t think there is a single thing this girl can do that wouldn’t turn me on. However, as I admire her body, another bruise catches my eye.

  “What happened?” I rub my thumb over it, and she hisses at the contact.

  With a mastered skill, she masks over the pain I know she just felt. “It’s nothing. Just a bruise from a cheer stunt. I’m fine.”

  “Savannah—” I try, but it’s no use.

  She leans down and presses her lips to mine. “I told you, I’m fine. Now shut up and fuck me.”

  THE BLEACHERS ARE FILLED with students and parents. I stand in the tunnel with the rest of the guys, waiting for the announcer to introduce us. The energy in here is enough to get us all pumped up and ready to slaughter this other team.

  “And for the home team.” The announcer begins. “Leading their season undefeated, with four wins, it’s The Haven Grace Warriors!”

  As we run out to the shouts and applause, the cheer team is lined up on either side and waving their pom-poms. I hold my helmet in my hand as I jog past Savannah, sending her a quick wink and loving the way she blushes. Her eyes roll playfully, and all I can think about is stripping her out of that uniform.

  The game is intense. Our defense is incredible, but our offense isn’t playing the way we should be. Feeling exhausted, I sit down on the bench and pull off my helmet to take a drink. I’m watching the other team come close to getting a touchdown when the mascot comes over and hands me a piece of paper. I thank him hesitantly before opening it.

  Win this game and I’ll make it worth your while.

  - S

  Glancing behind me, she winks and bites her lip in a way that renews all my energy. I stand up and put my helmet back on my head, running onto the field as soon as they miss the field goal. Talk about motivation.

  WE ALL WALK INTO the diner, with Carter and Jace singing “We Are the Champions,” even though it was a regular season game. I’m almost positive they were drinking on the way here, but it’s none of my business. After we fill most of the tables, the waitress comes over and congratulates us on the win. Only five more games until we face off against NHH, and fuck if I’m not ready for it.

  Savannah sits in the booth across from me, still sporting the uniform I haven’t gotten a chance to fuck her in yet. Hopefully, that’ll change tonight. During every game, I’ve had a difficult time keeping my eyes on the field, but this one was so much worse.

  Over the past couple of weeks, Savannah and I have spent every free moment we have with each other. Stolen moments in empty hallways and sneaking away to guest rooms at parties, we’re both as greedy as the other—taking everything there is to give and then some. I’ve been waiting for the sexual chemistry between us to cool off, but it’s only burned hotter. At this point, I don’t know if things will ever calm down.

  We’re halfway through our meals when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and smir
k at the name.

  Savannah: I want you so bad I can barely sit still.

  I damn near choke on my milkshake. Taking out my wallet, I throw some cash down on the table and stand up.

  “All right, I’m out of here.”

  “You’re leaving already?” Carter slurs.

  I nod. “Unlike you assholes, I played hard tonight.” I focus my attention on Savannah. “Sav, you need a ride home?”

  “Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks,” she plays along.

  They eye us suspiciously as we say our goodbyes and head out the door, but I couldn’t care less. The only thing I’m focused on is getting Savannah on my cock. We get into my car, and I’m so sexually strung out that I fumble with the keys. Sav chuckles and runs her fingers through her hair.

  I pull out of the parking lot and get about halfway to my house when she puts her hand on my crotch, rubbing me through my jeans. I growl and try to keep my eyes on the road, but I don’t have much self-control when it comes to her.

  “You keep doing that, and I’m going to pull this car over and fuck you right here.”

  She bites her lip and leans over the center console to nip at my earlobe. “What if that’s exactly what I want you to do?”

  And just like that, I’m swerving onto the shoulder and gripping her skirt-covered hips as she rides me in the driver’s seat.

  “GRAYSON?” MY MOTHER CALLS from downstairs. I hop off my bed before sliding down the banister. When I reach the bottom, my mom stands in the doorway of the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

  “What?” I ask.

  She shakes her head and reins it in. “Nothing, can you run to the store for me? I’m about to start making dinner, but we need milk.”

  I nod. “Let me just go grab my keys and my phone.”

  There are probably about five stores closer that have what I need, but I drive right past them. Savannah is at the dance studio, and having an excuse to go into town, I’m definitely taking advantage of it.

  I pull up in front of the familiar building and automatically spot her through the window. She moves her body with such skill that even people walking by stop to watch for a minute, but she remains unfazed. It’s not a dance routine I recognize, and I’ve seen a lot in the past couple months. It can only mean one thing—she’s improvising.

  For the first time, I go inside to get a better view. She’s so wrapped up in the sound of Camilla Cabello booming through the room that she doesn’t even notice I’m here. She spins around and bends in ways that would probably break me if I tried. It’s mesmerizing to watch her, enchanting and beautiful how she completes every move with an unmatched perfection.

  On one particular turn, I slot myself in front of her. Dancing may not be my specialty, but she takes the lead in ways that make it easy for me. She drags her hand across my body as she walks around me, leaving a lingering burn everywhere she touches. I spin to face her and lift her by the waist. Her legs go around my waist and I press her up against the wall, not giving a flying fuck about the potential for an audience. My hand finds the back of her neck, and I pull her into me, crashing our lips together.

  Her nails dig into my back, and the music fades away. As our tongues tangle together and we breathe each other in, all that matters is us—until a familiar voice interrupts the moment.

  “What the fuck.”



  The sound of Brady’s voice pulls me from the panty dropping moment with Grayson, and as I turn to look at him, I can see the betrayal all over his face. Unwrapping my legs, I slide down the wall until my feet are on the floor.

  “Brady, I can explain.”

  “Explain what?” he shouts. “How you lied to me? How you’ve been sneaking around with him? I know you’ve been through some shit, but you’re not this fucking stupid.” Turning to Grayson, he shoves his finger in his face. “You! Get the fuck out of here before I call the police. I don’t want you anywhere near her.”

  Grayson turns an angry shade of red. He steps closer, looking ready to snap Brady like a twig. “What I do with her is none of your business.”

  The two of them stare each other down, and I’m afraid one is going to swing before I push myself in between them. “Gray, don’t. Just walk away, please.”

  “Yeah, Gray, listen to your girlfriend.”

  “Brady!” I snap. His taunting is only making the situation worse, and I already saw the damage Grayson caused to his face the last time they got into it.

  “What?” He glares at me. “Are you forgetting that a couple months ago, he wanted to destroy you? How he found out your secret and threatened to expose you with it? Or—here’s a question—did you forget that he damn near tried to kill me? Why are you acting like none of that ever happened?”

  I press my back against Grayson’s chest, keeping him away from Brady. “I-I don’t know.”

  He throws his arms in the air, defeated. “I won’t sit here and watch you ruin your life. Involving yourself with a monster like him is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  Shaking his head, he walks back toward the door. “You should leave.” He pauses and his eyes focus on me. “Both of you.”

  “Brady,” I plead, but it’s no use as he walks out the door.

  I move to follow him, when Grayson’s fingers wrap around my wrist. “Don’t.”

  “Let me go, Grayson! I have to talk to him. He needs to listen.”

  He pulls me into his arms and holds me as I break. “You just need to give him some time to cool off. Come on.” Leading me toward the door, he grabs my phone off the bench. I look back at the office I know Brady is in right now. “You can call him tomorrow.”

  THREE DAYS AND FIFTEEN PHONE calls later, I’ve come to realize that Brady isn’t going to call me back. I hang up and slip my phone into my pocket just as Grayson comes behind me, poking my sides and scaring the shit out of me. I screech and look around to make sure no one just saw that.

  “What are you doing?”

  He chuckles, smiling in the way that makes my heart melt, and grabs my hand. “Come with me.”


  “What the hell do you mean, why? Since when do you need a reason to come with me?”

  I roll my eyes. “Since you started randomly grabbing me in the hallway.”

  “What can I say? It’s the things you do to me.”

  He pulls me down the hallway and into the janitor’s closet, closing the door behind us and immediately pushing me up against it. His mouth is on mine, kissing me so hard it’s like he’s trying to suck the life out of me. It’s brutal, harsh, and desperate.

  I claw at his shirt, knowing we only have a little bit of time before someone realizes we’ve gone missing. Grayson’s hands lift my skirt and pull my panties down before unbuttoning his pants. He pulls the condom from his pocket and rips it open with his teeth.

  “Planned this, did you?” I ask suspiciously.

  He smiles. “I was hopeful. Seeing you in that uniform always gives me dirty thoughts.”

  “Good to know,” I chuckle.

  He lifts me up and sinks me down onto his cock, filling me entirely. I grip onto the nearest shelf as he fucks into me. His mouth sucks a mark into my shoulder. Meeting him thrust for thrust, the only sounds filling the room are our heavy breathing and skin hitting skin.

  “God, why haven’t we done this sooner?”

  I bite my lip to try to conceal my moans, but when he starts to go harder, it becomes more difficult. As my orgasm hits unexpectedly, I scream out. Grayson’s hand comes up to cover my mouth and muffle the noise as he lets go, emptying himself into the condom. He holds me for a minute and gives himself time to relax before pulling out and gently putting me back on the ground.

  I pull my panties up and into place. “You mean that couldn’t have waited another couple of hours?”

  He smirks. “Are you complaining?”

  “Not even a little.”

>   As I go to walk out, he grabs my hand. I turn back to face him, confused, when he pulls me into him. With a gentle touch on my cheek, he presses his lips to mine in a soft, innocent kiss. It’s the first time he’s kissed me first without the intentions of it going further, and my heart stutters because of it.

  “What was that for?”

  He shrugs and releases me, stepping back. “Just really wanted to kiss you. Now go, I’ll see you in class.”

  FOR THE REST OF the day, my mind is clouded with thoughts of Grayson. Ever since the weekend we spent alone at his house, things have been different between us. There are still moments where I see the darkness brewing in his eyes—when he looks at me like I’m Satan reincarnated—but they’re few and far between.

  Despite how close we’ve grown lately, he’s always made sure I know that we’re just fooling around. It hurt the first couple times, but eventually, I became numb to it. That part of our relationship has never faltered, but today, with the way he kissed me before I left the janitor’s closet, I can’t help but hope that maybe he’s starting to come around.

  I’d be lying if I said I haven’t developed feelings for Grayson. Strong feelings. The kind that keep you awake at night. That make you want to rip your heart straight from your chest and throw it at their feet. I’ve never let myself acknowledge them, in fear that the pain of unrequited love might rip me to shreds, but they are there—simmering under the surface and threatening to break free.

  I STORM OUT OF the house, slamming the door behind me. I’d rather wait on the porch in the cold than deal with my drunken father for another minute. From the second I came home today, he’s been on my ass, from asking me for money to accusing me of stealing his drugs. I can’t handle him. Thankfully, tonight I’m going to a party and then spending the night at Grayson’s.