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The Sinner: A High School Bully Romance (Haven Grace Prep Book 1) Read online

Page 8

  “It’s nothing.”

  My eyes narrow. “It sure as shit isn’t nothing. Who the fuck did this to you?”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it, Rocky. I’m fine.”

  “No,” I stop him, hand in the air. “What the fuck happened, Brady?”

  Looking down at the steering wheel, he finally sighs. “Grayson came to find me last night, and we got into it.”

  “Grayson did this?!” The outrage coursing through my veins is enough to take down an entire army. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Don’t. I’m telling you, I’ll be fine. So, hospital? What did your idiot dad get himself into this time?”

  I glare at him. “Stop trying to change the subject. Take me to school.”

  “But what about your dad?”

  “He’s a grown man, in a hospital with a ton of doctors and an excuse for pain meds. I’m sure he’s perfectly fine. School, now.”

  Not trying to fight me on it anymore, he puts the car in drive and heads toward Haven Grace Prep.

  BY THE TIME WE pull up to our destination, I’m so mad that I’m shaking. I go to hop out of the car when Brady grabs my wrist.

  “Don’t get yourself hurt, Sav.”

  I give him a reassuring smile. “Oh, trust me, I won’t be the one hurting today.”

  Turning around, I march up the steps and into the school. The second I turn down the hallway, I see Grayson standing with the rest of the guys and Kinsley. The girl is like a bad infection that won’t fucking go away, but she’s not my problem right now.

  “I need to talk to you, right fucking now,” I tell him, not taking no for an answer.

  Carter’s eyes widen as he looks at Grayson. “Damn. What the fuck did you do?”

  Pulling him to the nearest empty class room, I shut the door behind us. As soon as I turn around, my fist goes flying and punches him right in the mouth. He recoils slightly, clearly surprised that I hit him, and covers the lip I’ve now split to match Brady’s.

  “You wanted my attention. Well, congratulations—now you fucking have it,” I all but shout. “Who the fuck do you think you are, attacking Brady like that?”

  He laughs in a way that sends a chill down my spine. “Who do I think I am? That’s a good question coming from a fake like you.” My heart stops, and I can tell by the look in his eyes, he knows. “That’s right. I figured out your little secret.” He steps closer. “Is there anything about you that’s real? Because all I’ve found is fake. Fake boyfriend. Fake wealth. Fake life.” His thumb pulls my bottom lip out from between my teeth. “Just fake.”

  “You should talk, being as your relationship with Kinsley is so real. I may not like the little slut, but even I think she deserves better than being your pawn in some sick attempt to get to me.”

  He stands before me like a king who holds all the power. “You know, it’s funny how you still act like you’re in control. You’re done. I’ve been looking for the one thing I could use to tear you down, and now, I’ve found it.” Coming even closer, he whispers into my ear. “And I’m going to love to watch you crumble.”

  I can’t hear any more of this. I’m already on the verge of a panic attack as I go to leave, but Grayson grabs my wrist and pulls me back into him.

  “Don’t fucking walk away from me.”

  Without a second thought, I lift my knee quickly and slam it as hard as I can into his groin. He releases his hold immediately and bends over, trying to catch his breath.

  “You bitch!” he screams, but I’m already out the door and running down the hallway.

  There are a lot of things I can handle. My mother dying at five years old. My father turning into a raging alcoholic. Even losing my best friend, only for him to come back hating me eight years later. But having my most harmful secret in the hands of someone whose only mission in life is to destroy me? That’s not one of them.

  I make my way to the janitor’s closet and shut the door behind me, sliding my back against it until I’m sitting on the floor. My breathing becomes shallow and rapid as tears pour from my eyes. How did everything get like this? What have I done to make him hate me so much? How the hell did he even find out?

  Taking my phone out, I send a text to Brady.

  Savannah: What happened after you and Grayson fought?

  Thankfully, he responds almost instantly.

  Brady: He was arrested. Jake wanted to press charges but I declined. Why? Are you okay?

  I don’t need to ask to know that Brady didn’t tell him. He must have somehow gotten one of the officers at the precinct to give him information on me. I try to get a handle on my breathing, but it’s pointless.

  Savannah: Not even a little.

  TODAY IS DEFINITELY ONE I could have gone my whole life without living. I keep to myself, not in the mood to partake in the usual obnoxious conversations Carter starts. Brady had offered to come back and pick me up, but that’s only giving Grayson a silent message that he wins—that I’m running away scared. I may be a lot of things, liar included, but I’m not a coward.

  Throughout the day, he watches me with a smug look on his face, as if mentally telling me he could ruin my life with the snap of his fingers. I do my best to ignore it, but I can’t. My reputation is the only good thing in my life other than dance, and it rests in the palm of his hands. I can only imagine what the kids in this school would do to me if they knew the truth.

  “So, remember. Party tonight. My place. Starts around ten,” Jace reminds everyone, then looks at me. “Sav, you coming?”

  I want to say no, not really in the mood to party with a bunch of people who are bound to hate me soon, but for some reason my eyes drift over to Grayson. He raises his eyebrows, as if challenging me to say yes. I know if I back down now, I don’t stand a chance in hell.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  Jace smiles triumphantly. “Sweet. You can bring your boyfriend with you if you want.”

  Grayson snorts, but quickly covers it with a cough. I glare at him before answering. “W-we broke up.”

  “Damn, really?!” Carter looks shocked. “You two have been together since freshman year.”

  I shrug. “Nothing lasts forever.”

  Emma places a supportive hand on my back, and I smile sweetly at her before my attention is pulled back to Jace.

  “Well, remember what I said,” he winks. “Just say the word and I’ll pick you up.”

  I can’t help but laugh, though the smile falls of my face as I notice Grayson’s murderous eyes on him. I don’t know what the fuck his deal is, but he doesn’t get to torment me and get jealous over me, too. He laid his cards on the table and chose where we stand. He can’t take that back now.

  THE LOUD MUSIC IS practically deafening as Brady pulls up to the house. It’s not the first time I’ve been to one of Jace’s parties, but they only seem to get bigger. People fill both the inside of the house and the backyard. It’s a known rule that every room is free game except Jace’s. I wonder what his parents would think about the number of people who have had sex in their bed.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be all right?” Brady asks.

  I nod. “I’ll be fine. I just need to be here to prove a point.”

  “And that is?”

  “That I’m not backing down. If Grayson wants to ruin my life, he’s doesn’t get to do it without a fight. He doesn’t get to break me that easily.”

  Brady smiles. “That’s my Rocky. I can stay if you want.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I already told them today that we broke up. There’s no way I’m giving him a reason to come after you again. And besides, it’s one less thing he can hold over my head.”

  He looks hesitant, but knows there isn’t much he can do about this. I’ve made my decision, and that’s all there is to it.

  “Well, be careful. Call me if you need a ride home.”

  “I will.”

  Giving him a hug goodbye, I climb out of the car and go inside. It’s so
loud inside that I can barely hear myself think. The house is packed, and there are already drinks spilled on the floor. Typical Jace London party.

  I make my way into the kitchen and find Carter, Jace, Wyatt, and, to my utmost misfortune, Grayson. Carter immediately smiles, wrapping his arms around me.

  “If it isn’t my favorite little dancer,” he quips, but Jace pulls me from his hold.

  “Don’t hog her. She’s single now. It’s the first time I’m allowed anywhere near her without worrying about Brady coming after me.”

  I chuckle slightly, but after a quick hug, I back away. I’ve already seen what Grayson did to Brady when he thought we were dating. I don’t need him going after Jace too, or worse, exposing my secret in a pissed-off rage.

  “Where’s everyone else?” I ask.

  “Well, Kinsley can’t come,” Carter tells me and I practically gleam with excitement. “Apparently, she had to go out of town with her parents, but Paige and Becca are on their way.”

  “No Ems?”

  He shakes his head. “I think she and Hayden are on a date, but neither of them will tell us.”

  I can’t help but smile. “About damn time.”

  “You’re telling me.” He turns around and looks for the keg. “Let me get you a drink.”

  As he goes over to pour me a beer, he realizes the keg is empty. Calling over to Jace, he and Wyatt leave to help retrieve a new one from the garage, leaving me alone with Grayson. It’s everything I didn’t want, but walking away now would make me seem weak. So, I hold my ground and turn to face him.

  “I didn’t think you’d show,” he tells me.

  “Well, I did.”

  “I see that.”

  I roll my eyes and step closer, pulling myself up to sit on the table next to him. “I’m not afraid of you, Grayson.”

  He grunts and takes a sip of his beer before answering. “Maybe not yet, but you will be.”

  AN HOUR INTO THE party, everything is going better than I thought it would. Grayson has yet to bring up exposing me, and without Kinsley here pissing me off, I’m free to have fun with my friends. Becca hangs on me like she needs my stability to keep herself upright, while Paige laughs and takes pictures. It isn’t until a familiar face catches my eye that I freeze.

  “Grayson? Is that you?” Tessa Callahan comes up, giving Grayson a big hug and getting one in return. “Shit. Delaney said you were back.”

  “I am. How’ve you been? You look good.”

  Tessa is Delaney’s twin sister, and while they’re fraternal twins, both are gorgeous. Tessa’s hair is a lighter brown than Laney’s, and her eyes are brown instead of green—something she spent her whole childhood sulking about. Their personalities, however, are night and day. Delaney is the golden child. I don’t think she’s ever done a single thing wrong in her life. Meanwhile, Tess has always been someone to see how far she can bend the rules without completely breaking them. Laney used to get stressed out when thinking about her sister’s behavior, but I guess after years, she got used to it.

  She smiles. “Been all right, can’t really complain. And me? Look at you!” Reaching forward she squeezes his biceps. “Bench press has been good to you, hasn’t it?”

  “I guess so.”

  Watching them together, I get a tight feeling in my chest. This is the kind of reunion we should have had. No, scratch that. We should have had better. Fireworks going off as I ran and jumped into his arms. A kiss so hot it could melt the arctic tundra. I would have taken him to bed and given him everything I’ve kept to myself for all these years—no hesitation. Instead, what I got was a Grayson that’s eight years older and the total opposite of the sweet boy I remember.

  “Sav.” Paige tugs my sleeve gets my attention. “You were staring.”

  I’m about to make an excuse to leave when Tessa’s attention lands on me. “Savannah. Of course. Shouldn’t be surprised you two would gravitate to each other again.”

  Grayson won’t look at me, but everyone else seems confused.

  “Wait. You two knew each other, too?” Carter questions.

  “Knew each other?” Tess laughs. “They were practically married. Actually, if I remember correctly, there was even a little fake wedding.”

  “Tess.” Grayson stops her and shakes his head.

  She gives him an odd look and starts to back away. “Okay, weirdo. I’ll see you later.”

  Everyone is quiet, until realization crosses over Becca’s face.

  “That’s where I know you from! I knew you looked familiar!” she slurs to Grayson.


  “Bec!” I try to interrupt, but she’s like a freight train and can’t be stopped.

  “You’re the little boy in the picture! The one in Savannah’s locker!”

  I’m not sure if I want to run and hide, or play it off as if she’s just drunk and doesn’t know what she’s talking about. However, as soon as Paige chimes in, telling Becca she’s right, I know the second option is off the table.

  “Damn.” Carter shakes his head. “With how much you two hate each other, I figured there had to be some kind of history.”

  Jace looks dumbfounded yet intrigued. “So, what the hell happened then?”

  “Nothing,” the two of us answer in unison, but while mine sounds sincere—his is forced.

  Our eyes meet the second the word leaves our mouths. There’s something unspoken about the look he’s giving me, something sinister. It’s as if he would set me on fire if given the chance. I shiver as I look away, until his next words slide into my chest like a knife.

  “We lived across the street from each other as kids. That’s it. Nothing special,” he explains. “She was just as annoying and fake then as she is now.”

  I glare at him, knowing I shouldn’t poke the bear but not able to hold back. “Fuck you. Why don’t you go crawl back into the hole you came out of?”

  His eyebrows raise. “Speaking of holes, should we talk about yours?”

  Everyone thinks it’s some sexual dig, but I know the underlying meaning. He’s holding my secret over me like a guillotine. One wrong word and the rope will snap, cutting off my head in the process. My breath hitches as I prepare for impact, but he remains quiet.

  “I’m all out,” he acknowledges, looking down at his cup. “Anyone want another drink?”

  Everyone shakes their heads, and he walks over toward the keg. Carter brings the conversation back to something neutral, like I can always trust him to do. As soon as their attention is off me, I slip away and to the hall I saw Grayson go down.

  “You didn’t tell them,” I say as I see him leaning against the wall.

  He takes a sip of his drink. “Nope.”


  The storm brewing in his eyes is intense and dangerous as he stares me down. I swallow hard, wondering how I wasn’t aware that the boy I used to call my best friend was capable of such hatred.

  “Because this is more fun.” He takes a step closer. “When they find out—and they will—I want to make sure you feel it. I want it to hurt.”



  To be in possession of the exact thing that could cause Savannah’s downfall feels like glorious retribution. Not only could I turn all her friends against her and strip her of the people who make her strong, I can make her anticipate and fear the moment her world comes crashing down. While I had the perfect opportunity to break her tonight, my plan is to play her like a fiddle.

  When Travis wrote down the address, I thought there must have been a mistake—until he told me what a piece of shit her father has become. Originally, I was going to come after him once I was done with taking down his daughter, but it appears that won’t be necessary. At the rate he’s going, he’ll drink himself to death before Savannah graduates high school.

  In all actuality, he’s probably getting drunk and high to block out the guilt of what he did to his best friend. My father was hurt, being forced away from his family like that, but nothin
g was quite as painful as the betrayal of the man who helped frame him for the crime. I don’t believe he ever got over that before the riot that took his life just six months later.

  I watch as Savannah sways from side to side, too intoxicated to realize she’s dancing alone. At some point after our little conversation in the hallway, she switched from beer to something stronger. I don’t know what exactly is in the drinks Carter keeps passing her way, but I can only assume his motives are less pure than I’m willing to allow.

  She may be a liar—a deceitful little bitch—but she’s mine and mine alone.

  “So, you know a little more about Montgomery than I thought, huh?” Jace appears next to me.

  I shrug. “You could say that, I guess.”

  “What the hell happened between you two?”

  Knowing better than to think I can trust him, I take a sip of my beer as I ponder my answer. “Nothing really. Sorry to disappoint.”

  He snorts. “Well, it must have been something if it got to her like this.” Nodding toward Savannah, I spot her now dancing on top of a table, drawing a crowd. “I’ve never seen her so drunk.”

  I try to keep my composure, and my distance for that matter, but the second a guy reaches up and gropes her ass, I see red. I’m up in seconds, pushing through the group of people who have all gathered around to watch Haven Grace’s favorite cheer captain put on a not-so-flattering show. Just as I get to the front, she slips and falls back—landing directly in my arms.

  “You caught me,” she slurs and wraps her arms around my neck. “My hero.”

  The close proximity we’re in, paired with the fact that she could have gotten really hurt, has my need to protect her on overdrive. I don’t question the decision for a second as I walk her right out the front door. Carter spots us from where he stands in the front yard and jogs over.

  “Whoa, what happened to her?” he questions, following me to my car.